As of the 8 July, the AHPPC produced a statement warning of rising Covid cases and recommendations for COVID Safe practices to continue or be reinstated where they have been dropped.
The AHPPC reiterates the shared responsibility of individuals, employers and governments in minimising the impact of COVID-19. There are a range of health behaviours all Australians can undertake to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, protect the community, in particular those most at risk, and protect our health system and essential services, such as:
Staying up to date with your vaccinations
Wearing a mask outside your home when in crowded, indoor environments including on public transport. This is important to protect yourself and others.
Ensuring indoor spaces are well ventilated
Staying home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, and get tested
Not attending high-risk settings such as health care (unless seeking treatment), aged care and disability settings or correctional facilities if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how mild
Employers should review their occupational health and safety risks and mitigations, and their business continuity plans. They should consider the feasibility of some employees working from home and support employees to take leave when sick.
Practising good respiratory and hand hygiene
Staying up to date with jurisdictional public health requirements and information
Treatment is now available for eligible people with COVID-19...speak to your GP now to see if you are eligible for oral treatments should you become infected. Oral treatments can assist in preventing severe disease in people at higher risk. To read the full article, click here "we are likely to see rates of reinfection rise among those who have previously been infected with an earlier COVID-19 variant and those who are up to date with their vaccinations. Vaccination continues to be the most important protection against severe illness." AHPPC
COVID Changes with rising cases
Victorians will not be mandated to wear masks indoors and in crowded places but it will be strongly recommended from tonight. But what is changing is the isolation rules following positive cases in Victoria, NSW, Western Australia & Queensland. Those who test positive for COVID-19 will be exempt from testing and isolating for only four (4) weeks rather than twelve (12). The changes follow Australian Health Protection Principal Committee advice.
COVID SAFE PLANS NEED TO CONTINUE Outdoor businesses and organisations are urged to continue to follow their COVID Safe plans and reengage in processes that prevent the spread of disease in the community. Hospitals are under pressure and the rise of Influenza, not seen in the last 3 years, has increased that pressure. Ensure the industry is leading by example and showing how you are keeping the community and your participants safe.