23 January 2022
Following today's announcement by the NSW Premier on the Return to School Plan, we wanted to let you know that your Outdoor Education partners have your back and are here to help when planning this year's crucial Outdoor Education opportunities for your students.
If it's leadership camps, year group camps, Duke of Edinburgh Award journeys or another curriculum that you meet with our Outdoor operators, they are well armed to help you navigate your risk management processes with ease. In addition, we have attached some extra information that you may like to use when talking with teachers, parents or students about their Outdoor Education opportunities.
An infographic on the transmission risk regarding school camps and normal school activities was compiled by Christian Venues Assoc (CVA), Australian Camps Association (ACA) and Outdoors NSW & ACT (ONSWACT) to help understand the lesser risk of transmission associated with our programs.
And a piece on the value of Outdoor Education. These proven outcomes have been used as the basis for the huge increase in Outdoor programming in recent times and will continue to do so as the results speak for themselves.
Courtesy of the Daily Telegraph 23 January 2022, here is a summary of today's announcement by the NSW Premier for NSW Schools.
Membership for Schools With the growing needs of Outdoor Education, Outdoors NSW & ACT is seeing an increase of schools being part of the network to gain access to new ideas, connect with organisations that can facilitate outdoor learning opportunities or get involved in some of the education and information sessions that can provide professional development opportunities for staff. If your school is interested in joining the team, you can do so for as little as $277 per annum. Click here to join the network This information is for schools located in NSW & the ACT.